What Motivates You? | Complete Essay On Motivation In Life

The key to success in our fast-paced world is motivation. It is a broad concept that can mean different things to different people. Motivation can be a passion or determination that comes from within. Alternatively, it could be a reward or an external force pushing you forward. But what does motivation mean to you, and more importantly, what motivates you? In this essay, we will explore what motivates each of us personally and why motivation is crucial to our personal and professional success.


Essay On Motivation: Introduction

Motivation is like driving a car – you can’t go anywhere unless you put your foot on the accelerator and take control of the steering wheel. Ultimately, you are responsible for getting yourself from point A to point B, and getting there requires focus and effort.

The urge to act in support of a goal is called motivation. It is one of the factors that influence human behavior. Having dreams and achieving them are essential parts of life. It encourages competitiveness and fosters interpersonal relationships.

The desire to achieve a meaningful, purposeful, and worthwhile life is a key component of motivation. Successful people often find a reason to carry on during difficult times, regardless of what is happening to them or around them. They are unique in that respect. Successful people strive to succeed. They put in a lot of effort, time, and energy to achieve their life goals.

All of us are unique in our own way. Our motivation to achieve our goals comes from a variety of factors. Due to this uniqueness, we have personal motives that differ from those of our friends, family members, and others. However, despite everything, every goal demands effort. For this reason, we must participate in activities that direct our attention to them, and the key to that is motivation.

What Motivates You? Understanding Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation

Motivation can be either extrinsic or intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation comes from external factors, like rewards and punishments. Intrinsic motivation, on the other hand, comes from within.

It has been said that motivation comes from within. In some cases, this may be true, but not everyone is intrinsically motivated. Some people need external factors to motivate them. In this case, we are referring to extrinsic motivation.


Extrinsic motivation can take many forms. Depending on the individual, it may be a monetary incentive. At work, employees may receive bonuses for accomplishing certain goals. Some people may be motivated by awards or recognition. Their goal might be to win a contest or be the top performer in their class/office.

Intrinsic motivation, however, involves a personal interest or desire. In this case, people may engage in a hobby or activity simply because they enjoy it, not because they expect to receive money or recognition for it.

The extrinsic sources of motivation are power, praise and approval, a desire to win, rewards, and cash. The intrinsic sources are connections with others, curiosity, passion, self-mastery, and development.

Extrinsic incentives can indeed boost motivation temporarily, but they can also wear off or even backfire over time. On the other hand, intrinsic motivation is connected to identity and acts as a constant source of inspiration.

Both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation are needed to achieve success. In most cases, intrinsic motivation is more powerful than extrinsic motivation because it is self-driven and stems from a place of personal interest.

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Motivation Matters: Exploring the Motivated Mindsets

In this part of the essay, we explore people’s different mindsets when it comes to being motivated. We also discuss how these can impact their ability to reach their goals.

Power and Approval Motivated People

Some individuals are driven by fame, influence, and authority. They aim to get to fame. They desire to take on leadership roles and gain immense power. These people are power-motivated.

Our fundamental need for significance – to feel different, valuable, and special – includes our craving for praise and attention. These are approval-motivated individuals. Short-term goals can be accomplished by satisfying this urge, but as the praise ends, so does our drive.

Success Driven People

The desire to succeed and excel in their chosen field serves as a driving force for certain people. Some people just don’t give up because they want to win, even after suffering and failure. These are the success-driven people.

Money Motivated People

Some people believe they can obtain the most valuable things in the world, particularly material goods if they have bundles of green rectangles. Normally, money-motivated individuals strive to earn a lot of money to fulfill their needs and wants. It can be as basic as meeting the needs of a daily wage worker or as lavish as buying only from high-end brands and stores. Some people, however, don’t find fulfillment in this approach.

Socially Driven Person

Are you constantly willing to take action to improve the lives of others? Do you like doing charity work? Are you driven to help others and leave a lasting legacy? Giving back might then serve as your inspiration for success. Contributing is one of the most fundamental humans urges we have since it fulfills us.

Your desire to volunteer and give back is probably driven by your desire to make a difference. Some people are driven to uplift and support others so that they might transform their lives. These people include philanthropists who donate a large portion of their fortune to help others and spread it for a worthy cause.

Growth Driven Individuals

You are dying if you are not growing. The human need for growth drives us to learn new things, climb the ladder, and do other things.

Self-mastery, or a desire to improve and change, is a motivating factor for some people. It is their way of life. This desire is so strong that it has the potential to lead you to self-completeness. In order to achieve it, you must step outside of your comfort zone and accept a certain amount of risk. Although it may seem terrifying, it is simply a process. Individuals who are growth-oriented will see it as an opportunity to grow.

Passion Driven People

Passion is a powerful force. When you constantly think about it and have a strong desire to succeed in it, it motivates you to work harder to achieve it. The answer to “what motivates you?” is the question “What are you passionate about?” Because successful people enjoy what they do, they get up early, work efficiently, and manage their time better than average people.

Passion drives them to invest a lot of time in their profession. For example, you may be inspired to write better if you enjoy the activity. Your love for sports motivates you to get up early in the morning and ride to your coaching center to improve your skills.

Although motivation is short-lived, staying active every day makes all the difference. It is what motivates you to reach your goals. That is why we get up early in the morning and work long hours. Success is exactly what we are striving for.

Essay On Motivation: Conclusion

Motivation is like a spark that ignites the fire of ambition. It can be the spark that propels someone forward on their journey to success, no matter how far away the goal may be.


The key to personal development is knowing what drives you. Your motivation can be your biggest asset or your biggest liability. It can inspire you to achieve extraordinary things or hold you back from reaching your full potential. If you are not sure what motivates you, give it some thought. Where do your passions lie? Where do you want to go? By identifying your motivating factors, you will be able to utilize them to your advantage.

Furthermore, motivation can mean different things to different people, and we can all be motivated by something unique. Your motivation can come from a mentor or teacher, a personal goal, a story of inspiration, self-discipline, drive, or the desire to challenge yourself constantly. Regardless of your motivation, always keep your eye on your goals. Consistent effort will pay off in the long run.

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Motivation Essay FAQs

This section contains a list of Frequently Asked Questions about motivation essays that you can use to help you strive toward your goals. It is written from a personal perspective, but it may be helpful to you.

What Motivates and Inspires You Essay?

For me, one of the most important things is just having a strong desire to do something I love. Every time I do something I love, everything else fades away, and I only think about what I’m doing. That feeling of total commitment is what drives me to keep pushing myself and going after my goals. Keep on doing what drives and inspires you and use it as fuel to keep moving forward. You need to follow your passion and never give up on your dreams.

What Does Motivation Mean to You Essay?

To me, being motivated means having the courage to do something. It’s about being responsible and not waiting for someone else to tell you what to do and when to do it. Even if no one is watching or cheering you on, you should try to reach your own goals. In other words, motivation is about taking charge of your own life and doing what needs to be done.

What Motivates You as An Individual?

There are a few things in life that inspire me. First and foremost, I’m driven by a desire to be happy and fulfilled. In my life, I hope to look back and feel accomplished and happy along the way.

Second, I am inspired by my family and friends. I want to make them proud of me and show them that I can do anything if I put my mind to it.

And last but not least, I am motivated by my own growth and development. I am constantly trying to paint a better image of myself to reach my full potential. These are just a few examples of what motivates me in life.

What Motivates You as A Learner?

As a learner, I try to do better than what I’ve done before. I’m always trying to get better, whether it’s my grades, my performance, or myself. This drive to get better keeps me interested in my work and motivated to do it well.

Aside from that, I’m very motivated to learn new skills and gain new knowledge, and it’s very motivating to see myself progress.

Last but not least, what keeps me going is knowing that my knowledge and skills can change someone’s life. Sharing what I’ve learned with other people and helping them reach their goals is very rewarding for me.

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What Is Your Motivation for Pursuing Higher Education Essay?

I want to go to university to get the knowledge and skills I need to succeed in my field. My goal is to make a meaningful contribution to society, and I think getting a higher education will help me do that. Also, I want to learn more about myself and the world, and I think that higher education will help me do that. My ultimate goal is to set an example for others and show them that it’s never too late to go after their dreams.

Finally, it would really help if you could share this essay on motivation with your friends and family. This will help them to see how motivated you are to achieve your goals.

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